This guidance will assist your club and/or league in creating and maintaining a supportive, safe and fun environment in which children and young people can learn and develop their football skills and knowledge. You’ll find advice on taking photographs of children, organising travel and trips, collecting players’ data, running a club website, including and safeguarding deaf and disabled children and lots more.

Sign up to ‘Respect’

The FA’s Respect Programme outlines that a certain standard of organisation and behaviour is expected from everyone in football - whether as a league or club official, player, parent, coach or referee.

Respect is all about creating a fun, safe environment and its core principles are in line with the Safeguarding Children principles. For more information including the Respect Codes of Conduct, please click here.

Given the prevalence of social media use/misuse today, please refer to specific guidance from the FA on this subject. Collectively explaining how to create a supportive, safe and fun environment for children and young people. 

Please use the link below, and scroll down to 'Useful Resources' to download helpful guides and documents.

Your guide to running a supportive environment for all ages